While everyone is taught to be good citizens and follow the law, these weird laws in Florida may be too easy to break! Florida is known for fun things such as beaches, theme parks, and alligators, but it is also known for its hilarious “Florida man” news articles.
However, most of the time the “Florida man” isn’t breaking one of the weird laws in Florida, he’s breaking one of the more important ones. Good luck not seeing things differently after counting how many of these weird Florida laws you and your friends have broken! There are so many things to do in Florida, but make sure you aren’t breaking any of these strange laws!

15 Crazy Weird Laws in Florida You May Have Already Broken
You Cannot Skateboard Without a Liscense
Out of the weird laws in Florida, this one might be the hardest not to break! Statute 316.0085 says it is illegal to skateboard in Florida without a license, and considering the skateboard community that is present in the sunshine state, this is a hard one!

Men Cannot Wear Strapless Dresses
This is one of the weird laws in Florida that is not only a law, but a crime itself! Who knows why Florida decided men cannot show off their beautiful strapless dresses, but rule of thumb says to just tuck the straps in and take them out if the cops show up!
You Can’t Live with a Partner if Unmarried
Of course some of the weird laws in Florida are just plain outdated. Living with a partner before marriage was much more taboo back in 1868 when the law was established. But hey, maybe this could be used as an excuse to move out if someone isnt doing their fair share of the laundry!
You Cannot Gossip
While this might be on of the weird laws in Florida that might actually be helpful to society, its still absurd to think that chatting with a friend could cause you to break a law. Chapter 836 of the Florida Statutes highlights exactly what you cannot say or do when conceding talking about another person!

You Cannot Imitate an Animal
This one of the weird Florida laws must be targeted towards school children, but how can we blame them for responding when the teacher asks what sound an elephant makes? Turns out Florida is creating criminals by age 5!
You Cannot Sing in a Swimsuit
This one of the weird Florida laws is particularly concerning, thinking of the popular spring break destination Florida is. Spring break typically includes plenty of singing and plenty of swimsuits, and at some point, those two are bound to mix! Out of all the things to get in trouble with the law over on Spring break, singing in a swimsuit is not one of them.
You Cannot Shower Naked
These weird Florida laws continue to get weirder as we ponder how exactly to shower without being naked? Who even though showering clothed was an option? Are swimsuits appropriate shower-wear? So many questions.

Horse Theft is Punishable by Hanging
Now, horse theft isn’t something people should be doing, but out of the weird Florida laws, this one might be the most intense. I really don’t think hanging is a punishment we should be doling out for anything, especially not theft. Plus, how does one even go about stealing a horse?
You Cannot Barrel Down the Street
In the city of Pensacola, barreling down the street is considered illegal. However, like most of the weird Florida laws, this one requires more explanation. Does this only pertain to those climbing inside a literal barrel and rolling down the street? Or does this pertain to “barreling” down the street by running at a considerable speed? I sure hope my lawyer knows!
You Cannot Park in an Intersection
Now this is one of the weird Florida laws that I can get behind. Of course I wouldn’t want to park in an intersection, and I sure hope my peers wouldn’t want to do this either. However, knowing there is a law makes me wonder who thought this would be a good idea and therefore prompted the establishment of the law.
You Cannot Hang Your Clothes on a Clothesline
Statute 163.03 states that Floridians cannot hang their clothes on a clothesline to dry. I sure hope that means everyone gets free drying machines! Unfortunately, out of the weird Florida laws, this is one of the most recent, settling an HOA disagreement. I mean, does this outlaw clotheslines themselves? The very existence of a clothes line really does encourage the hanging of clothes on a line.

You Cannot Eat Cottage Cheese After 6pm on Sundays
This Tampa Bay law is one of the weird Florida laws that makes us wonder who exactly is in charge of making these laws? What do they have against cottage cheese?
You Must Pay the Same Vehicle Fee for a Parking Meter if you Tie an Elephant to it
Of course, this is one of the weird Florida laws that is only fair. If you’re going to park your elephant, you have to pay just like anyone else! Of course, it might have been easier to make a law banning tying elephants to parking meters, but hey, who are we to judge?
You Cannot Fall Asleep Under a Hairdryer or You’ll Be Fined
This odd law in Florida could leave both the person sleeping and the salon they are sleeping at a fine. Do they know how relaxing it is to sit under one of those hairdryers though? Its almost impossible not to doze off.

You Cannot Sell Your Children
I really would like to know what event prompted this particular one of the weird laws in Florida to be made. I mean, I really didn’t think this one needed to be said, but I guess children do get on the nerves sometimes.